Lehigh Valley Best of Bob Wilt Volumes 1-4 Bundle (eBooks)

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*When purchasing this bundle, you will receive your download link for a zip file that contains Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4. If you have any problems, please email us at sales@morningsunbooks.com and provide us details with what device and operating system you're using.

By Bob Wilt

Volume 1: 

The names Lehigh Valley and Bob Wilt have been synonymous in rail enthusiast circles for past 50 years.  Living in the heart of LV territory, Bob has captured the essence of the Valley in the nearly 300 photos in this first volume covering the late 1960s. 

Volume 2: 

The years 1970 to 1972 were times of upheaval for Lehigh Valley.  Bankruptcy, takeover of CNJ rails in Pennsylvania, Hurricane Agnes, and a general malaise in Northeast railroading brought many changes to the Valley.  New trains, new power, new color – all in Volume 2: 1970-1972.

Volume 3: 

1973 was the year the new EMD GP38-2’s arrived on the property and took over the priority trains like the Apollo and Mercury. The Valley was still operating almost 50 Alcos, however, including RS11’s, C420’s, and C628’s in a wild assortment of colors.

Volume 4: 

Lehigh Valley Volume IV explores the final two years of operation of the independent railroad corporation before its inclusion into the Conrail System Plan. Striving for image improvements, the Lehigh Valley purchased new locomotives from General Electric to maintain faster intermodal schedules. The modernized fleet of boldly repainted equipment made a prominent statement! 



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